Alright, I got sucked in.
I've been reading blog posts about how to make extra money by completing online offers. I've been researching them. I've been scrutinizing every last punctuation mark in them. And I finally gave in and tried one out.
I am freaking out right now. I stayed up until midnight last night finishing my very first $500 offer (yes, you read that right), and now I have to play the waiting game to find out if it went through.
I guess I should back up a bit and start from where I found all this information and let my mind take a breather in the meantime. *deep breath*
I started out one day by reading a guest post on Hip2Save. It explained in great detail the ins and outs of completing online offers from legitimate companies to earn HUGE rewards. (And by HUGE I mean $500 Visa giftcards, a Nintendo Wii, etc.) I consider Hip2Save an extremely valid and reliable source of information so I was immediately intrigued. This eventually turned into hours of scrutinizing Hip2Save's guest blogger, Nicole's Nickels and eventually, MoneySavingMethods. Now, these ladies know their stuff when it comes to completing these online offers. MoneySavingMethods has made something like $15,000 over the past few years by completing these darn things. After reading comment after comment about regular folks trying out these offers and succeeding I decided that, hey, I can do this too.
So, I picked an offer that MoneySavingMethods recommends, a $500 Visa gift card plus a Got Milk t-shirt. (I could really care less about the t-shirt, but hey, if they're gonna give it to me...)
It took me a little over 2 hours to complete all the required sub-offers, and if all goes well, I will have spent right around $40 to score a $500 Visa gift card. That just doesn't sound possible does it?? Am I losing my mind? I'm completely second guessing myself tonight and wondering if I did the right thing. There are a lot of loop holes and tricks that you have to be aware of, but I followed MoneySavingMethod's detailed instructions, so I think I'm in the clear.
Do me a favor and read her post about it here and while you're at it read Nicole's Nickels post about it here. Let me know what you think, please.
I will post updates weekly as to how my disaster adventure is progressing. To obtain my particular gift card, you have to complete 8 individual offers within 3 different tiers: 2 silver offers; 2 gold offers; and 4 platinum offers. Oh, and you have 60 days to finish everything.
As of this morning, my silver offers had been approved, but it will be another 10 days before I find out if everything else has been approved.
I think I need a drink.